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Sorry but, It's PlayTime will be CLOSED tomorrow
Friday March 28th.  

We will re open on Saturday at 8:30 am-11:30am.

There will be no open play on Sunday March 30th.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


Welcome to every kids


It's PlayTime is not just an indoor playground for kids 10 and under, it is a place for kids to explore, imagine, and play.    With our two story soft playscape, interactive tiny town, and redemption games your children will be entertained for hours!


It’s PlayTime is a safe, clean place for kids to be kids.   But these kids will grow up and we want to impact their future by going green.


It’s Playtime is incredibly proud to partner with BEVI to help reduce our carbon footprint.    


We will no longer sell water bottles.  Instead we will be selling our own stainless steel re-usable water bottles for endless amounts of filtered, flavored still or sparkling water OR feel free to bring in your own.   

Stainless steel water bottles -$15

We will also sell paper cups for $1


See what BEVI is saying and why we are so excited


Sustainability by the glass

When you use Bevi, you’re saving more than a plastic bottle—you’re shutting off the oil needed to create it and keeping the air free from emissions that come from shipping it.


Bevi customers have saved over 500 million bottles to-date. Quite the accomplishment on your water break.


The elephant in the room

Or should we say elephants. The amount of plastic waste dumped into our oceans is estimated to exceed 8 million tons each year, or about the weight of 1.3 million elephants.


Over 50 billion plastic water bottles are sold each year. Each bottle takes more than 400 years to biodegrade.

Please Leave us a Review!

We appreciate you visiting us. If you had fun, please post a review on Google or Yelp, "Like" us on Facebook, or post photos on Instagram.


We are always looking for feedback.  Email us with suggestions, compliments, or concerns so that we can improve and continue to provide a safe place for our kids to play.

Mom and a Child
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